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Happy Bring Your Dog to Work Day!

We are very lucky here at Patterson Veterinary Hospital to be able to bring our dogs to work with us anytime we want, but we didn’t want to miss celebrating Bring Your Dog to Work Day today! We had a “Puppy Party” at lunch and let all of the dogs run around and play in the pool. Normally this is what we get to do at lunch every day!

Opie is waiting patiently for his mom Miguella to go on break so he can play with his friends!

When we bring our dogs (or cats) to work, we keep them in their assigned kennels in the back of the clinic. They all get to hang out back there until our breaks.

Jude is being a very good little puppy but having a very hard time sitting still! 🙂

Bailey waiting for his dad to get done with surgeries











On lunch break, we brought all of the dogs outside so that they can run around and play! We have a big backyard at the clinic so the dogs can get plenty of exercise during these times. It’s very nice to be able to bring our dogs with us when we have a long shift so they don’t have to be left at home all day!

Having fun in the yard!

Most of our dogs get along really well and love to play together! Some have even been best buddies since they were puppies!

Leonidas and Ledell come out to play with Rocket, Bailey and Jude!

Rocket is enjoying his time in the pool











Pictured Left to Right: Megan and Rocket, Marissa and Jude, and Miguella and Opie

The best part about bringing your dog to work with you is that you also get to go out and enjoy the nice weather! It was such a nice day for us to be outside during lunch!

Dr. Scott and his dog Bailey










For Dr. Driscoll’s dogs, it Take Your Dog to Work Day every day! Merlin and Griffin have their own special spot in the office and they get to relax all day. They really like to greet everyone that comes in the office.

Merlin and Griffin relaxing in the office











We can’t forget the kittens! We have a litter of kittens that get to come in with their mom when she works! They are very fun to have around.









We love being able to bring our pets to work with us! They enjoy themselves just as much as we do!