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Cryotherapy is a term commonly used to refer to treatment of external growths such as warts, moles, and skin tags using super-cooled gas. This can be done in various forms, including liquid nitrogen, nitrous oxide, and dry ice.

At our practice we use a Cryoprobe, which utilizes self-contained cartridges of nitrous oxide released through a narrow nozzle to freeze the blood vessels near the surface of the skin. This results in what is essentially controlled frostbite, and the frozen tissue will slough after about a week. Cryotherapy is a relatively quick, painless, and non-invasive means of treating various types of superficial masses compared to surgery, so it is a good option for small masses or patients who are not good candidates for anesthesia. Cryotherapy can be used for other conditions too, including dystichiasis/trichiasis (abnormal growth of eyelashes) and stomatitis (chronic inflammation of the mouth).

Pictured is Logan, a one-year-old golden retriever who came to see us for a mass on his elbow. Although the mass was suspected to be a benign histioctyoma, it was causing Logan discomfort and worrying his mom. While not every case responds as quickly as Logan did, he showed major improvement after just one treatment and he and his mom are able to rest comfortably now!

Contact us for an appointment today!