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PHOVIA Treatment

We offer a treatment for wounds and skin infections using Phovia, which is an example of photobiomodulation. Photobiomodulation is a bit of a mouthful, but it essentially means using different wavelengths of light to affect tissue. If you’ve ever used a cold laser or infrared light therapy, these are other examples of PMB.

Different wavelengths of light penetrate to different layers of tissue, and induce different effects such as stimulating growth of new blood vessels or reducing bacterial activity. The Phovia system specifically uses blue fluorescent light along with a chromophore gel to produce several wavelengths of visible light, which promote wound healing and can reduce the amount of antibiotics needed for infections – in some cases, cutting healing time by as much as half!

While not every case may be able to benefit from Phovia treatment, it is a valuable option for management of wounds and infections This is even more important with ever-growing number of cases where antibiotic-resistant bacteria limits treatment options.

Meet Norman!

Here to demonstrate how Phovia can affect wound healing is Norman! Norman was presented for facial swelling that rapidly developed on one cheek and prevented him from opening one eye. It was diagnosed as an abscess, so we drained and cleaned the site and started antibiotics. A large area of necrosis has occurred on Norman’s cheek, which meant that the whole abscess would turn into a large wound before it fully healed – a process that could potentially take a long time. By adding weekly treatments with Phovia, we were able to restore Norman’s good looks after just a few sessions!

If you would like more information on PHOVIA treatment, you can read about it here:


If you think your pet would benefit from PHOVIA treatment, contact us today!